vendor/shopware/core/Profiling/Profiling.php line 22

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  1. <?php declare(strict_types=1);
  2. namespace Shopware\Core\Profiling;
  3. use Composer\InstalledVersions;
  4. use Shopware\Core\Framework\Bundle;
  5. use Shopware\Core\Kernel;
  6. use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
  7. use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\DelegatingLoader;
  8. use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderResolver;
  9. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
  10. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\GlobFileLoader;
  11. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader;
  12. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader;
  13. use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\RoutingConfigurator;
  14. /**
  15.  * @package core
  16.  *
  17.  * @internal
  18.  */
  19. class Profiling extends Bundle
  20. {
  21.     public function getTemplatePriority(): int
  22.     {
  23.         return -2;
  24.     }
  25.     /**
  26.      * {@inheritdoc}
  27.      */
  28.     public function build(ContainerBuilder $container): void
  29.     {
  30.         /** @var string $environment */
  31.         $environment $container->getParameter('kernel.environment');
  32.         parent::build($container);
  33.         $this->buildConfig($container$environment);
  34.         $loader = new XmlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ '/DependencyInjection/'));
  35.         $loader->load('services.xml');
  36.     }
  37.     public function boot(): void
  38.     {
  39.         parent::boot();
  40.         // The profiler registers all profiler integrations in the constructor
  41.         // Therefor we need to get the service once to initialize it
  42.         $this->container->get(Profiler::class);
  43.     }
  44.     public function configureRoutes(RoutingConfigurator $routesstring $environment): void
  45.     {
  46.         if (!InstalledVersions::isInstalled('symfony/web-profiler-bundle')) {
  47.             return;
  48.         }
  49.         parent::configureRoutes($routes$environment);
  50.     }
  51.     private function buildConfig(ContainerBuilder $containerstring $environment): void
  52.     {
  53.         if (!InstalledVersions::isInstalled('symfony/web-profiler-bundle')) {
  54.             return;
  55.         }
  56.         $locator = new FileLocator('Resources/config');
  57.         $resolver = new LoaderResolver([
  58.             new YamlFileLoader($container$locator),
  59.             new GlobFileLoader($container$locator),
  60.         ]);
  61.         $configLoader = new DelegatingLoader($resolver);
  62.         $confDir $this->getPath() . '/Resources/config';
  63.         $configLoader->load($confDir '/{packages}/*' Kernel::CONFIG_EXTS'glob');
  64.         $configLoader->load($confDir '/{packages}/' $environment '/*' Kernel::CONFIG_EXTS'glob');
  65.     }
  66. }